Kažu "krv nije voda" :) Pa nije! Voda je ono što smo mi :)
Postoje razni dokumentarci o vodi. Potraži i pogledaj ih! Nećeš verovati da je zaista voda najmoćnija! Ona oseća, prenosi emocije, pamti :) Volite vodu! ❤
Puno vode vam je potrebno iako se ne bavite biciklizmom. Od 1.5 do 5 litra vode možete slobodno da pijete :)
Najvažnije je da vodu pijete i kada niste žedni, tokom dana malo po malo.
Najbolja voda je od 15 °C, zato što je to idealna temperatura za ljudsko telo. Telo neće imati stres dok pije takvu vodu.
Najbitnije je da znate i koju pehažu (ph) ima voda koju pijete.
Ph vrednost se kreće u od 0 do 14, pri čemu je 7 neutralna vrednost.
Od o do 6,9 je kiselost, a od 7,1 do 14 je alkalnost.
Treba da znate da kada dodje do promene ravnoteže pH vrednosti našeg tela, kada ph vrednost pređe bilo na kiselu ili alkalnu stranu, postajemo osetljivi i razboljevamo se.
Najidealnija voda za piće i naše telo je voda koja ima ph vrednost 7.5!
Ja se trudim da uvek imam solarnu i srebrnu vodu.
Više o solarnoj i srebrnoj vodi, uskoro ☺
You always need water even if you are not cycling <3
The key point is not to wait until you are thirsty, but instead you should drink a water often before and during your ride
There are various documentaries about water, check them out!
You will not believe how powerful water is! It feels, conveys emotions and can remember! Give love to the water wherever you can! While drinking, say “i love you” to the water and it’s electricity will be much better for your body!
You need to drink a lot of water daily, from 1.5-5 litres, even when you’re not cycling.
The most important thing is to drink water not only when you're thirsty but throughout the day, little by little.
The best water to drink is at 15 °C, because this is the ideal temperature for the human body. The body will not have stress while drinking such water.
The most important thing is that you need to know is the PH value of the water you are drinking.
The pH values range from 0 to 14, wherein the 7 is neutral.
0 to 6.9 is acidic, and 7.1 to 14 is alkaline.
You should know when it comes to changes in the pH balance of our body, for example when pH value exceeds either acid or alkaline side, we become more sensitive and can get sick.
Water with a pH value of 7.5 is the best for our body!
I try to always have silver and solar water at home.
Soon, more info about solar and silver water ☺
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