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Da li PRIVATNOST postoji?! - Does PRIVACY exists ?!

Kada budeš shvatio da sramota NE postoji, i kada budeš saznao da privatnosti NE postoji, da tajni NEMA, da sve što si uradio i što ćeš uraditi je samo deo tvog života i da se to nikog drugog NE tiče, i kada shvatiš da NIJE bitno šta durgi kažu i misle o TEBI, tek tada ćeš postati svoj i SREĆAN! Što pre to bolje i za tebe i za ostale! Uživaj u sebi! :) 

 Privatnosti nema, pogotovu sada kada Internet postoji :) Meni je jako smešno kada mi ljudi kažu “neko mi je hakirao email”! :D Pa ko će tebi da hakira email i zbog čega! Šta ti toliko imaš da kriješ od nekoga?! Zar zaista nemate hrabrosti da kažete ljudima šta mislite?! Zar zaista morate da krijete od nekoga nešto?! Zašto?! Zar zaista mislite da to niko neće saznati!? Zar zaista mislite da tajne postoje! 

NE! :) Privatnost NE postoji, i ne bi trebalo da je bude! Zašto bih ja krila nesto što sam uradila ili što planiram da uradim! Ko to meni može nauditi onim što sam već uradila?! Ja se dičim svim i svačim što sam do sada prošla i dokle sam došla :D Dičim se svemu što sam uradila zato što znam da sam to htela i sigurna sam da sam uradila onako kako sam želela :) To je ono najlepše na svetu što može da vam se desi! Nikoga NE treba kriviti zbog vaših postupaka, niko nije odgovoran za ono što radite i što ćete uraditi! 

NE verujem u ono “ma društvo me nateralo” ili ono uradio sam to zbog društva“  Ma daj! Uradio si to zato što si ti tako odlučio da treba uradit! :) Nikoga NE treba da bude sramota ili pak da se divi onime šo ste vi uradili! 

Znam da to još uvek postoji u ovim našim malim umovima, ali dok god vi tome pridajete važnost, to će vas mučiti i postojati! Zato, oslobodite se toga! Uradite ono što osećate da treba uraditi! Uživajte i ne sekirajte se da li vam je neko hakirao sajt, email ili pronašao nesto što nije znao! Budite svoji i ne plašite se da kažete ono što mislite! To ste vi!  
Mi sada palimo da volidmo ljubav na bajku ;) 
Privatnost NE postoji! Samo ljubav! 


When you understand that shame does not exist, that privacy does not exist, that there are no secrets and that everything you do and what you will do is just a part of your life and that it does not concern to anyone else, and when you realize it does not matter and what they say and think about you, only then you will become your own and HAPPY! The sooner as better!

No privacy, especially now when the Internet exists :) It is very hilarious when people say "someone hacked my email!" : D So who needs to hack your email and why?! What is that you have to hide from anyone ?! Do you really lack the courage to tell people what you think ?! Do you really need to hide anything from anyone ?! Why?! Do you really think that no one will ever find out?! Do you really think that secrets exist?!

NO! :) Privacy does not exist, and should it not beat all? Why should I hide something I've done or that I plan to do! How someone can  hurt me for what  I have done ?! I am proud of everything I've ever done and how far I've come :D I’m proud of everything I did, because I know that I wanted that :) This is what is most beautiful in the world! No one but you can blame you for your actions, no one is responsible for what you do and what you are willing to do!

Besides, I do not believe in the phrase "my friends pushed me to do that" or “I did it for the company” Come on!!!  You did it because you decided so! :) No one should be ashamed or to be admired by your life! ;) I know this phrase still exists in our little minds, but as long as you would give it importance, it will torture you!

Therefore, get rid of it! Do what you feel you need to do! Believe in your intuition! Enjoy life and do not worry if someone has hacked into your website or email, or find something they did not already know ;) Be yourself and do not be afraid to say what you think! That is you!

Privacy does not exist! Now, we are going to make love on bikes! ;) Just love! ;)


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