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Showing posts from April, 2017

Beetroot - What you have to know about beetroot

Cvekla - Sta sve treba da znate o cvekli  Prema ayurvedi, cvekla je namirnica koja ima zagrejvajuća svojstva pa je zbog toga idealna hrana tokom hladnih zimskih meseci. Cvekla sadrži antikancerogenr materije i karotenoid. Cvekla je prepuna antioksidanata, koji štite organizam od privremenog starenja i pomažu u borbi protiv mnogih bolesti. Betacyanin je pigment, koji daje cvekli njenu crvenu boju. Ovaj pigment se apsorbira u krv i povećava sposobnost krvi prenositi kiseonik i do 400%. Nemojte baciti lišće cikle. Bogato je beta-karotenom, folnom kiselinom, hlorofilom, kalijumom, vitaminom C i gvožđem. Od lišća cikle možete napraviti zeleni kašasti sok ili pripremiti ga kao spanać. Lekovita svojstva cikle: - Cvekla je tradicionalni lek za leukemiju - Redovno konzumiranje cvekle pomaže protiv bolesti, uzrokovanih oksidativnim stresom - Vlakna, koja sadrži cikla, mogu smanjiti razinu kolesterola u krvi i do 40% - Cvekla normalizira krvni tlak - ...

Fruits should be eaten on an empty stomach

As you probably already understand from my previous blogs, I like to share stuff I like. I'm going to share some information I got from a friend of mine who cares a lot about nutrition. I am a type of person who wants to share with everybody, what I like, and who I like ;) I know it will be difficult to change some habits in the beginning, as you have to change your lifestyle by learning something new and by doing something different, but let’s try :) With all the benefits, why shouldn’t you? To start, I’m just going to flat out say it: FRUITS SHOULD NOT BE EATEN AFTER A MEAL! FRUITS SHOULD BE EATEN ON AN EMPTY STOMACH! Eating fruit plays a major role in the detoxification of your body. Let's say you eat two slices of bread, then after, you eat some fruit. A piece of fruit is ready to pass straight through the stomach into the intestines, but the bread it prevents it. In the meantime, the whole meal ferments and breaks down and turns into acid. An insignificant ...

What you should know about linden tea

Even though the young leaves can make a delicious seasonal salads and flowers can be used for the preparation of rakija, wines and natural skin care, linden is commonly used for drying and tea. Tea from the flowers of linden trees is a natural sedative - from ancient times it has been used in alternative medicine as a remedy to relax the nervous system, especially in the cases of expressed nervousness, irritability, anxiety and insomnia.  It causes sweating and excretion of toxins and excess fluid from the body. Take dried linden flowers, cover with boiling water and let the tea stand for 10 minutes. Then it is ready to drink!  Tea made from linden has a distinctive and pleasant taste thanks to the aromatic oils contained in its flower. The benefits of tea from linden leaves include: - It has a beneficial effect in the case of headaches caused by inflammation of sinus and migraine - Can be used as an addition to baths for babies anticonvulsants - It is reco...

Visions of Beyond 11. SEP / Fortress Harilaq, Kosovo

Visions of Beyond , as of yet an unborn baby, coming to life on September 11th, craves to create an intimate space outside of the conventional and ordinary urban city life, where music and art fuse with a cultural heritage site in order to foster closeness among our community. Together, we want to share the awe derived from mutual interests represented by the comings and goings from stages and crowds through historical grounds where audience and performers, archaeologists and historians, young and old, all become one. Ultimately one key goal will be considered; Sending you back home with smiling faces, new friendships and most importantly, building the #VoB ethos. Line-up: Pisetzky  [Just This / IT] Aera  [Innervisions, Maeve / DE] Kristijan Molnar  [Christallization / SRB] Iliros live Uran B. Baloski Legoff Liburn Trim Ger Kacerja Panda by ■ Hapësira For enlightenment, tranquility, and supernal fun. Ticket Info:   26.08 ...