Cvekla - Sta sve treba da znate o cvekli
Prema ayurvedi, cvekla je namirnica koja ima zagrejvajuća svojstva pa je zbog toga idealna hrana tokom hladnih zimskih meseci.
Cvekla sadrži antikancerogenr materije i karotenoid.
Cvekla je prepuna antioksidanata, koji štite organizam od privremenog starenja i pomažu u borbi protiv mnogih bolesti.
Betacyanin je pigment, koji daje cvekli njenu crvenu boju. Ovaj pigment se apsorbira u krv i povećava sposobnost krvi prenositi kiseonik i do 400%.
Nemojte baciti lišće cikle. Bogato je beta-karotenom, folnom kiselinom, hlorofilom, kalijumom, vitaminom C i gvožđem.
Od lišća cikle možete napraviti zeleni kašasti sok ili pripremiti ga kao spanać.
Lekovita svojstva cikle:
- Cvekla je tradicionalni lek za leukemiju
- Redovno konzumiranje cvekle pomaže protiv bolesti, uzrokovanih oksidativnim stresom
- Vlakna, koja sadrži cikla, mogu smanjiti razinu kolesterola u krvi i do 40%
- Cvekla normalizira krvni tlak
- Cvekla pomaže u očuvanju elastičnosti arterija. Redovno konzumiranje cikle može sprečiti proširene vene
- Iako količina gvozdja, koju sadrži cikla, nije jako visoka, kvalitet je izvanredan Gvožđe iz cvekle je moćno sredstvo za čišćenje organizma od toksina i izgradnju krvi
- Cvekla se posebice preporučuje trudnicama zbog visokog sadržaja folne kiseline. Folna kiselina može spriječiti mnoge bolesti u novorođenčadi
- Sok od cikle stimulira rad jetre i žuči i sprečava zatvor
- Sok od cikle u kombinaciji sa sokom mrkve je odličan lijek za giht, bolesti bubrega i žučne kese
- Cvekla pomaže i kod mnogih drugih bolesti: glavobolje, zubobolje, dizenterije, krstobolje, kožnih problema, menstrualnih bolova itd.
Kako konzumirati ciklu?
Cveklu možete konzumirati u kuvanom ili sirovom obliku. Tokom kuvanja cikla na žalost gubi neke vredne sastojke, zbog toga sirova cikla ima najveća terapeutska svojstva.
Tokom zimskih meseci popularna je kisela cikla. Sirovu ciklu možete narendati i dodati u salatu.
Ako odlučite uzimati sok cvekle, nikada nemojte započeti sa velikom količinom. Sok od cikle je toliko jak, da tokom čišćenja možete osetiti vrtoglavicu. To je normalan znak eliminacije toksina iz organizma. Pijte više vode, da bi pomogli procesu čišćenja i postepeno povećavajte unos soka.
Its high content of anticarcinogenic substances and carotenoids.
Beetroot is packed with antioxidants, which protect the body from premature aging and help fight many diseases.
Betacyanin is the pigment that gives beetroot its red color. This pigment is absorbed into the blood and increases the ability of blood to carry oxygen by as much as 400%.
Do not throw away the leaves of beetroot. They are rich in beta-carotene, folic acid, chlorophyll, potassium, vitamin C and iron.
Beetroot leaves can be used to make green pulpy juice or prepare it as spinach.
The healing properties of beetroot:
- Raw beetroot is effective against leukemia and many other types of cancer
- Regular consumption of beetroot helps against diseases caused by oxidative stress
- Fibers present in beetroot can reduce blood cholesterol levels by up to 40%. It is known to normalize blood pressure
- Beetroot helps to maintain the elasticity of arteries. Regular consumption of beetroot can help prevent varicose veins
- Amount of iron contained in beetroot is not very high, but its quality is excellent
- Beetroot is especially recommended for pregnant women because of the high content of folic acid. This vitamine can help prevent many diseases in newborns
- Beetroot juice stimulates the liver and gall bladder while also preventing constipation
- This juice combined with carrot juice is an excellent remedy for gout and the illnesses of kidney and gall bladder
- Beetroot can help with many other ailments: headaches, toothaches, dysentery, ischemia, skin problems, menstrual pain and others.
How to consume beetroot?
Beetroot can be eaten in cooked or raw form. The raw beat has greater therapeutic properties, as it loses some valuable nutrients while cooked.
During the winter months a popular choice is eating pickled beets. Raw beetroot can also be grated and added to salad.
If you decide to consume beetroot juice, never start with a large amount. Beetroot juice is so strong that during cleansing you may feel dizzy. This is a normal sign of toxins being eliminated from the body. Drink more water to help the cleansing process and gradually increase the intake of juice.
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