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Visions of Beyond 11. SEP / Fortress Harilaq, Kosovo

Visions of Beyond, as of yet an unborn baby, coming to life on September 11th, craves to create an intimate space outside of the conventional and ordinary urban city life, where music and art fuse with a cultural heritage site in order to foster closeness among our community.
Together, we want to share the awe derived from mutual interests represented by the comings and goings from stages and crowds through historical grounds where audience and performers, archaeologists and historians, young and old, all become one.
Ultimately one key goal will be considered; Sending you back home with smiling faces, new friendships and most importantly, building the #VoB ethos.
Pisetzky [Just This / IT]
Aera [Innervisions, Maeve / DE]
Kristijan Molnar [Christallization / SRB]
Iliros live
Uran B.
Ger Kacerja
by ■ Hapësira
For enlightenment, tranquility, and supernal fun.

Ticket Info:  
26.08  to 02.09 - €5
02.09 to 09.09 - €8
At the door: €10 to 15€
Shuttle buses depart from Prishtina Train Station
See ya at Visions of Beyond!
Entry at the door: Social responsibility fund

Visions of Beyond Tvrđava Harilać / Kosovo Polje, Kosovo
Visions of Beyond ima za cilj da kreira intimni prostor daleko od užurbanog urbanog života, u kom se muzika i umetnost mogu stopiti sa zaboravljenim kulturnim nasleđem koje je u ruševinama; reč je o nekonvencionalnom metodu podizanja svesti o zaštiti tog blaga, dok se pritom pokušavaju promovisati turističke i umetničke aktivnosti u ruralnim područjima.
Oko 15 kilometara jugozapadno od Prištine, na samom centru Kosova, gde se nalazi napuštena antička srednjovekovna tvrđa, Tvrđava Arilaća, održaće se u nedelju (11. septembra) Visions of Beyond i na ovom kulturnom nasleđu biće udahnut novi život i biće ispunjen muzikom, umetnošću i ljudima punim ljubavi. 
Line-up:Pisetzky [Just This / IT]Aera [Innervisions, Maeve / DE]Kristijan Molnar [Christallization / SRB]Iliros live
Ger Kacerja
by ■ Hapësira
For enlightenment, tranquility, and supernal fun.
Ticket Info:  
At the door: €10 to 15€
FB Event: 
Busevi kreću sa železničke stanice Priština!
Vidimo se na Visions of Beyond!


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