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Bundeva - zimska doza imuniteta / Pumpkin – a winter dose of immunity

Sastav i lekovitost bundeve

Boja bundeve ukazuje da je ova namirnica bogat izvor beta karotena.

Beta karoten je snažan antioksidans koji štiti organizam od uticaja slobodnih radikala, jaca imunitet i sprecava razvoj malignih tumora.

Uz njega tu su i vitamini C, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B6, folna kiselina i mineralni sastojci kalcijum,fosfor, kalijum i gvozdje.

Lekovita svojstva bundeve vec su odavno poznata u narodnoj medicini.

Bundeva je idealna namirnica za osobe koje pate od bolesti želuca i creva. Pomaže kod zatvora i upale debelog creva.

Bundeva je diuretik, zbog toga se preporucuje osobama s artritisom i gihtom.

Bundeva štiti zdravlje ociju, jer je bogata karotenoidima. Zasitna je i siromašna kalorijama, zbog toga je idealna namirnica za mršavljenje.

Ova namirnica pomaže smanjiti holesterol u krvi. Oblog od sveže izrendane bundeve primenjuje se za ublažavanje bolova od proširenih vena.

Kasicica soka bundeve dnevno zaštitit ce vas od bolesti mokracnog mehura, bubrega i prostate.

Kao maska za lice bundeva je prikladna za problematicnu kožu. Bundeva ne samo da njeguje i hrani kožu, nego ju i štiti od raka.

Bundevu možete jesti sirovu, kuvanu ili pecenu. Od nje možete pripremati pire, supe, kolace i sokove.

Semenke bundeve su takodje jestive. 

Uz nju pristaju zacini poput peršuna, majcine dušice, lovora, muškatnog orašcica, dumbira i cimeta.


Pumpkin’s content and healing properties

Pumpkin’s color indicates that it is a rich source of beta-carotene.

Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that protects our organism from the effects of free radicals, strenghten our immunity and prevents malign tumor development.

It also contains vitamins C, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iron.

Pumpkin's healing properties have been known in folk medicine for a long time.

It is an ideal food item for people suffering from stomach and intestinal diseases. It helps with constipation and large intestine inflammations.

Pumpkin is a diuretic, which is why it is recommended to people suffering from arthritis and gout.

Pumpkin protects the health of our eyes because it is rich in carotenoids. It makes us feel full and it does not contain many calories which makes it an ideal food item for weight loss.

This food item also helps reduce blood cholesterol levels. Wrappings made with grated fresh pumpkin are used for alleviating pains associated with varicose veins.

One spoon of pumpkin juice a day protects us from urinary bladder, kidney and prostate diseases.

As facial mask, pumpkin is appropriate for skin problem treatment. Not only does it nurture and feeds our skin, pumpkin also protects it from cancer.

You can eat it raw, cooked or baked. You can use pumpkin to make puree, soups, cakes and juice.

Spices such as parsley, thyme, sage, laurel, muscat nuts, ginger and cinnamon go well with pumpkin.


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