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Prirodna zdrava kozmetika / Healthy natural cosmetics

Napravite sami svoju najjednostavniuj kozmetiku za svakodnevnu ličnu higijenu.

Kada počneš da jedeš samo prirodnu, živu, biljnu hranu, više nema problema s lošim zadahom, s neprijatnim znojem i slično. Kada izbaciš otrove iz svoje ishrane, više nikada ne smrdiš.

Nakon 2008. godine od kako sam prešla na zdravu ishranu, zaludela sam se da nam i kozmetika koju koristimo, bude zdrava. Onda istražuješ, pitaš, čitaš i saznaš da sastojci iz kozmetičkih prozvoda koje koristiš idu direktno u krvotok.

Zato i police s kozmetičkim proizvodima su nam minimalistične. Samo osnovna kozmetika za ličnu higijenu: pasta za zube, šampon i regenerator za kosu, krema za lice i celo telo, kupka i dezodorans.

Evo kako ja to mućkam:

Pasta za zube
- 1/2 šolje kokosovog ulja
- 1 kašikica meda ili stevije
- 1-2 kašike sode bikarbone ili zeolita, gline…
- nekoliko kapi eteričnog ulja mente ili eukaliptusa, limuna….

Sve sastojke pomešaj i dobićeš pastu za zube. Ova pasta ne peni.
Ukoliko koristiš sodu bikarbonu, biće potrebno nekoliko sati mešanja, dok se soda skroz ne stopi sa kokosovim uljem. Samo mućkanje ulja u ustima je vrsta pranja i izbeljivanja zuba i usne duplje.

Šampon i balzam
Za šampon
- 1 kašika sode bikarbone ili zeolita
- 2.5dl vode

Za balzam
- 1dl jabukovog sirceta
- 2.5dl vode

Soda i voda ili zeolit i voda su šampon. Pomešaj i utrljaj na mokru kosu. Ostavi na kosi 2-3 minuta. Isperi vodom, i nanesi balzam od jabukovog sirćeta i vode. Isperi ponovo i to je to.
NAPOMENA: Miris jabukovog sirćeta nestaje čim se kosa skroz osuši

Prirodna krema
- 2-3 kašike cvetova nevena
- 10 gr pčelinjeg voska
- 100ml ekstra devičanskog maslinovog ulja
- par kapi eteričnog ulja kojeg vi želite
Zagrej ulje na laganoj vatri i dodaj cvetove nevena. Ostavi 15 minuta, da se ohladi, dok cvetovi puste lekovite sastojke. Procedi neven. Vrati na laganu vatru i dodaj pčelinji vosak. Mešajt samo dok se ne istopi vosak. Dodaj par kapi ulja po želji, i izlijte smesu u staklenu teglicu. Krema će odmah početi da se stiska.
NAPOMENA: Kod izrade kreme pripazite koja ulja dodajete, jer su neka fototoksična, pa nakon korištenja ovih ulja se ne sme izlagati suncu. Primer takvih ulja su eterična ulja citrusa.

Prirodna kupka
- palenta(kukuruzno brašno) ili zeolit
Ili jedno ili drugo koristiš. Palenta je fenomenalan piling kože koji joj je potreban, a voda je sasvim dovoljna da spere druge nečistoće. Ako želite kupku onda samo stavite 1-2 kašike zeolita u kadu vode.

Prirodni dezodorans
- soda bikarbona ili zeolit
Sve što je potrebno je da utapkate malo sode bikarbone ili zeolita ispod pazuha. Probajte, nikada više nećete upotrebiti dezodorans.


Make your simplest cosmetics for everyday personal hygiene

When you start eating only natural, raw, plant food, there is no longer be a problem with bad breath, with unpleasant sweat. When you throw out poisons from your diet, you will never stink again :D

Since 2008. when I switched to a healthy diet, I made sure our cosmetics is healthy too. Then I start to research, ask, read and find out that the ingredients from the cosmetic products we use, goes directly into the bloodstream.

That's why my shelves with cosmetic products are minimalistic. Only basic cosmetics for personal hygiene: toothpaste, shampoo and hair conditioner, cream face and body, bath and deodorant.

Here's how I shake it:

- 1/2 cup of coconut oil
- 1 teaspoon of honey or stevia
- 1-2 teaspoons of bicarbonate or zeolite, clay ...
- a few drops of essential oil of mint or eucalyptus, lemon ....

Mix all ingredients and you will get a toothpaste. This paste does not penetrate.
If you use baking soda, it will take several hours of mixing, while soda melt with coconut oil. Just pulling oil in mouth is a type of washing and whitening teeth and cleaning your mouth from bacteria.

Shampoo and conditioner

For shampoo
- 1 tsp of baking soda or zeolite
- 2.5dl of water

For balm
- 1dl apple vinger
- 2.5dl of water

Soda and water or zeolite and water is your shampoo. Mix and rub on wet hair. Leave on hair for 2-3 minutes. Rinse with water, and apply balsam of apple vinegar and water. Rinse again and that's it.
NOTE: The apple vinegar's aroma disappears as soon as the hair is completely dry ;)

Cream for face and body
- 2-3 tablespoons of english marigold flowers
- 10 gr bee wax
- 100ml extra virgin olive oil
- a few drops of essential oil you like

Warm oil on light fires and add flowers of english marigold. Leave 15 minutes to boil until the flowers release the medicinal ingredients. Strain and return on light fire, add bee wax. Mix until the wax melts. Add a few drops of your fav oil and pour mixture into a glass jar. Cream will immediately begin to thicken.
NOTE: Make sure you are not adding oils which are phototoxic, as after using these oils, you should not be exposed to sun. Example of such oils are essential oils of citrus.

Natural bath
- palenta (corn flour) or zeolite
One or the other, the palenta is a phenomenal peeling of skin tand the water is enough to wash other impurities. If you want healthy natural bath, then just put 1-2 teaspoons of zeolite in a full bath of water or just rinse with it

Natural deodorant
- soda or zeolite
All you need to do is hit a little baking soda or zeolite beneath your armpits. Try, you will never use deodorant again.



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