Da bi deca imala zdrave zube, potrebno je da ne jedu industrijsku i zivotinjsku hranu a da jedu dosta svežeg voća i povrća, posebno zelenog.
Dr Weston Price je istraživao uzrok kvarenja zuba kod ljudi na Himalajima i kod modernog čoveka u Švajcarskoj i zaključio da Himalajci imaju sve zdrave zube iako ih nikada nisu oprali dok Svajcarci imaju puno pokvarenih zuba iako ih 3 puta dnevno peru.
Zubi, kao i kosti propadaju zbog visokoproteinske ishrane jer kalcijum iz zuba i kostiju je odličan neutralizator za jaku kiselinu koja nastaje raspadanjem proteina u jetri.
Naime, nače telo može akumulirati samo do 30 gr proteina dnevno a mi kada jedemo meso, mleko i jaja unosimo oko 150gr.
Sav višak proteina se mora razgraditi u jetri i neutralizovati pre izbacivanja, za to se koristi upravo kalcijum iz kostiju.
Industrijska hrana takođe stvara kiselost i na isti način krade kalcijum iz zuba i kostiju.
To have healthy teeth, you do not need to eat industrial and animal foods. You have to eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, especially green.
Dr. Weston Price was investigating the cause of tooth decay among people in the Himalayas and a modern man in Switzerland and concluded that the Himalayas had all healthy teeth, although they were never washed while modern man in Switzerland had a lot of rotten teeth, although they were washed three times a day.
Teeth, as well as bones, are decaying due to high-protein nutrition because calcium from teeth and bones is an excellent neutralizer for strong acid that is caused by the decomposition of proteins in the liver.
Our body can accumulate only up to 30 gr of protein per day, and when we eat meat, milk and eggs we get about 150gr.
All protein surplus must be decomposed in the liver and neutralized, before ejection. This is exactly what bone calcium is used for.
Industrial food also creates acidity and steals calcium from teeth and bones in the same way.
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