Srećna sam što sam deo stvaranja novog sveta.
Sreća, sreća, radost :) i jesam srećna što je SADA vreme i sposobni smo, da stvorimo novi svet, novi život.
Imamo priliku otkriti i resetirati sve stare "polomljene" obrasce koji su prešli s generacije na generaciju.
Srećno! :)
Ajde da kreiramo tehno univerzum ;)
Ovo je moja tehno himna, koja me uvek pokrece za nesto novo. novi svet. novi zivot.
Im happy to be part of creating a new world.
Happiness and Im happy that NOW its time and we are capable of creating a new world, new life.
We have opportunity to unlearn and reset all old patterns that have passed from generation to generations.
Good luck! :)
and ... lets make techno universe ;)
This below is my techno anthem that wakes me up for new world, new life!
Vegim did a superb remix for Lost Algorithm on Aesir Records.
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