I was given a container of zeolite by a dear friend of mine from Tatjana in 2014. Since then, I'm never without it. Zeolite is absolutely magical! It heals every wound so quickly; it healed the herpes that I had on my lip almost every month; and it cured fungi that I had on my toes. I'm now treating my pimples and I healed my damn vaginal candida! What more do you want :) WOW! It looks like every damn disease there is has afflicted me, but believe me these are just little things that zeolite has helped cure! ;)
Now, I brush my theeth with zeolite, wash my face with it and even drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. I'm so grateful to Tatjana. I share my experience with zeolite with everyone who has never heard of it. People are often a little scared of it, but I persuade them to try it.
You can research Zeolite yourself on the web so you will have the proper info about it before you decide to use it. In my blog on zeolite, I have summarized what I think is the most important to know are. You should try zeolite and then decide whether it is good for your body or not. You are the best judge of what is best for your body! Your body is your home!
Kosovo has the highest quality zeolite, but you will not be able to buy it so easily here. The box of zeolite in the picture below is Zeolite Celinoptilolite – Zeo Medic, 800 gr package. You can currently purchase this in Mitrovica, at a price of 5.5 euros! This package is sufficient for 6 to 8 months for two people, daily use (two months use, one month pause). Shelf life – UNLIMITED!
Zeolit je magija!
Prvi zeolit mi je predstavila Tatjana iz Hrvatske 2014. i od tada nisam bez njega. Zeolit je magičan, ali zaista! Njime zalečim svaku ranu tako brzo, izlečila sam herpes koji sam imala na usni, izlečila sam gljivice koje sam imala na nožnim prstima, tretiram bubuljice njime i izlečila sam vaginalnu kandidu! Šta hoćete više :) WOW! Izgelda da su me sve žive bolesti zadesile, ali verujte mi da su ovo samo sitnice ;)
Inače, perem zube zeolitom, umivam se, pijem ga ujutru na prazan stomak. Zahvalna sam Tatjani, a zeolit delim svim ljudima koji uglavnom nisu čuli za ovaj mineral. Ljudi su uglavnom uplašeni...šta ja to koristim i šta im nudim, kao i za svaku promenu u životu koju trebaju napraviti ;) Meni to ide od ruke ;)
Informacije o zeolitu možete tražiti i sami, to i treba da uradite u slučaju da se odlučite na korišćenje. U blogu o zeolitu sam sažela ono što mislim da je najbitnije da znate. Uostalom, najbolje je zeolit isprobati i onda odlučiti da li je dobar za vaše telo ili ne, vi najbolje znate šta je za vaše telo idealno. Telo je vaš dom!
Iako na Kosovu ima najkvalitetnijeg zeolita, istog nećete moći kupiti tako lako. Ovu kutiju sa slike, zeolit klinoptilolit - Zeo Medic, pakovanje 800 gr, možete nabaviti, trenutno u Mitrovici, jedino:) po ceni od 5,5 eura! Sasvim idelano, zato što ovo pakovanje, za dve osobe, svakodnevne upotrebe (dva meseca upotreba, jedan pauza) traje 6 - 8 meseci! Moram da dodam, da je njegov rok trajanja - NEOGRANIČEN!
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