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Black Sun Empire @ ODA, Prishtina, Kosovo

Ovo je bio treći veliki ivent koji oni su organizovali. Pre, dovodili su Big Bud-a iz Londona, i DJ Lynx takođe iz Londona, a sada Black Sun Empire iz Holandije.ODA je super underground mesto, barem se meni jako sviđa, totalno je moj tip. Nekako u centru je grada, nekako na dole je, uvučeno, nikome ne smetaš. Na početku ima jedan šank, a onda ulaziš u super prostranu prostoriju, sa sve super binom a sa leve i desne strane imaš tako super namešene stepenice da je totalno pregledno kada sedneš a da ti ne smeta. A sound system je na nivou.
Karta za ovaj ivent u pretprodaji bila 3 eura a na vratima 4. DNB-KS je bio organizator. Karta za ovaj ivent u pretprodaji bila 3 eura a na vratima 4. DNB-KS je bio organizator. Ovo je bio treči veliki ivent koji oni su organizovali. Pre, dovodili su Big Bud-a iz Londona, i DJ Lynx takođe iz Londona, a sada Black Sun Empire iz Holandije.
Labinot Sponca (lokalac) warm up. Šta je vrteo? Pa dnb a ja volim sve što zna dobro da drma i da vam nosi telo, sve do ulaska Black Sun Empire-a , moja ekipa skakla, pa čak i jedna naša curica koja nije očekivala da je vodimo da se dramira, a drmala se neverovatno i skakala. A dok tako skačeš, i ne primetiš da se prostor oko tebe napunio ljudima koji mašu rukama i đuskaju baš onako dramerski. A onda, dosta kasno ulaze Black Sun Empire, kad vidiš, publika da može skočila bi na binu. Totalno svi poludeli, bez prestanka su skakli do 03.30, zato što sam ja ostala do tada, jer sutra sam morala da overim jutarnji program. I takav je i bio! Nonstop pričam o sinočnoj žurci.Nemojte posle da kažete da se Flekitza nikad nije dramirala, jesam,  i to baš onako kako treba. Prijalo mi je. A tek možete da zamislite kako su pravi drameri uživali.
Evo nekih slikčica koje sam na brzaka supela da uslikam.

Black Sun Empire @ ODA, Priština, Kosovo

Presale tickets for this event were 3 euro and 4 euro if you bought them at the door. DNB-KS was the organizer. This was the third big event they organized. Before that, they brought Big Bud from London and DJ Lynx also from London, and now Black Sun Empire from Holland.
ODA is a great underground place, at least I like it, it’s totally my type of place. It’s in the center of the city, it’s underground, secluded, you don’t bother anyone. There’s a bar at the entrance, and after that a great spacious room, with a great stage and on both sides there are steps, where you can easily sit down and not bother anyone. And the sound system is good too.
Labinot Sponca (a local DJ) was the warm up act. What did he spin? DnB. And I love everything that shakes you up and carries your entire body. All the way till Black Sun Empire started my group of friends was jumping. Even one of our friends who didn’t expect that we’d take her drumming, and she too jumped and shook all the time. And while we were jumping, we didn’t even notice that the space filled out with people who were waving their hands and dancing. And then, when Black Sun Empire started spinning later, you could see that the audience would jump on the stage if they could. Everybody went crazy, and jumped without a break till 3.30 am. At least that’s till when I stayed, as I had to work on the morning show the next day. And the entire next day I spoke about the previous night’s party.So don’t say later that Flektiza never went drumming, cause I have, and in a proper way. I enjoyed it. And you can imagine how much the people that really like drum and base enjoyed the party.


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