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Šta sve treba da znate o vitaminu D - Everything you have to know about vitamin D

Prema najnovijim istraživanjima, vitamin D sprečava osteoporozu, depresiju, rak prostate, rak dojke, utiče na dijabetesi gojaznost. 

- Naša koža proizvodi vitamin D kada je izložena sunčevoj svetlosti - UV zračenju iz prirodnog izvora

- Isceljujuće zrake sunca, iz kojih koža stvara vitamin D, ne mogu proći kroz staklo. Zbog toga kada se nalaziš u kući, kancelariji ili autu tvoja koža ne stvara vitamin D

- Skoro je nemoguće dobiti adekvatne količine vitamina D iz prehrane. Izloženost sunčevoj svetlosti je jedini siguran način da dobiješ dovoljne količine ovog vitamina

- Što dalje živiš od ekvatora, tim duže trebaš biti izložen suncu da bi dobio dovoljno vitamina D

- Ljudi s tamnom kožom trebaju 20-30 puta više sunčanja, kako bi dobili istu količinu vitamina D kao i ljudi bijele kože. Upravo zbog toga rak prostate je vrlo proširen među crncima - to je zbog nedostatka vitamina D

- Dovoljne količine vitamina D presudne su za apsorpciju kalcijuma u organizmu. Bez vitamina D naše telo ne može apsorbirati kalcijum, što znači da su dodaci prehrani s kalcijumom beskorisni ako u organizmu nedostaje vitamina D

- Hronični nedostatak vitamina D ne možete rešiti preko noći. Potrebni su meseci i meseci izlaganja suncu ili uzimanja vitamina D u obliku dodatka prehrani, da biste vratili ovaj vitamin u kosti i živčani sistem

- Čak i slabe kreme za sunčanje (SPF 8) blokiraju stvaranje vitamina D za 95%! Stvarajući manjak vitamina D u organizmu, ove kreme za sunčanje tako uzrokuju bolest

- Nije moguće da se "predoziraš" vitaminom D. Telo samo regulira proces stvaranja ovog vitamina iz sunčevih zraka, stvarajući onoliko koliko je potrebno

- Pre nego što telo može iskoristiti vitamin D, tvoja jetra i bubrezi ga moraju "aktivirati"

- Kod osoba koje pate od bolesti bubrega ili jetre, sposobnost aktiviranja i iskoristivosti vitamina D može se znatno smanjiti

- Proizvođači krema za sunčanje ne žele da ti saznaš o važnosti vitamina D. To bi smanjilo njihov profit

- Ovaj najvažniji vitamin u potpunosti je besplatan. Organizam ga sam stvara uz delovanje sunčevih zraka

Zanimljiva je činjenica da antioksidansi povećavaju sposobnost tvog organizma da apsorbira više vitamina D. Oni omogućavaju da duže ostaneš na suncu, bez da izgoriš.

Astaksantin, npr, povećava ovu sposobnost za 200%. Drugi antioksidansi koje možeš koristiti su acai bobice, šipak (nar), borovnica itd.

Bolesti povezane s nedostatkom vitamina D

Osteoporoza je obično povezana s manjkom vitamina D. Nedostatak ovog vitamina smanjuje apsorpciju kalcijuma.

Vitamin D sprečava depresiju, šizofreniju, rak prostate, creva, dojke i jajnika.

Rahitis je bolest kostiju, uzrokovana manjkom vitamina D.

Nedostatak vitamina D može smanjiti stvaranje insulina i pogoršati dijabetes.

Gojaznost smanjuje iskoristivost vitamina D. Zbog toga gojazni ljudi trebaju unositi duplo više vitamina D.

Vitamin D se često koristi za ječenje psorijaze.

Manjak vitamina D može uzrokovati šizofreniju.

Kronični nedostatak vitamina D ponekad se pogrešno dijagnostikuje kao fibromialgija zbog sličnih simptoma: slabosti i bolovima u mišićima.

Rizik od bolesti poput dijabetesa i raka smanjuje se za 50-80% izlaganjem prirodnoj sunčevoj svetlosti 2-3 puta nedeljno.

Deca koja redovno uzimaju vitamin D (2000 jedinica dnevno) za 80% će imati manji rizik obolijevanja od dijabetesa u idućih 20 godina.

Šokantna statistika

- 32% zdravstvenih radnika imaju nedostatak vitamina D

- 40% građana SAD-a imaju manjak ovog vitamina

- 48% devojčica u dobi od 9-11 godina imaju manjak vitamina D

- 76% trudnica pati od ozbiljnog nedostatka vitamina D. To povećava rizik obolijevanja njihove dece od dijabetesa, artritisa, multiple skleroze i šizofrenije kasnije u životu.

Šta možeš uraditi

Sunčajte se! Razumno izlaganje sunčevoj svetlosti je jednostavan i besplatan način da dobiješ dovoljne količine vitamina D i poboljšaš tvoje zdravlje. (To ne znači da se trebaš sunčati na najjačoj vrućini između 12 i 15 sati.)

Izlaganje sunčevim zracima može drastično smanjiti postotak kroničnih oboljenja u svetu.

Izlaganje suncu je zaista jedna od najmoćnijih terapija čiji efekt premašuje delovanje moderne medicine.

Ne postoji lek, tehnologija, niti hirurški zahvat, koji ima toliku moć iscjeljenja kao prirodna sunčeva svetlost.

- Our skin produces vitamin D when we are exposed to sunlight - UV radiation from natural sources

- The healing rays of the sun, from which the skin produces vitamin D, cannot pass through glass. Therefore, when you are at home, office or car, your skin does not produce vitamin D

- It's almost impossible to get adequate amounts of vitamin D from diet. Exposure to sunlight is the only certain way to get sufficient amounts of this vitamin

- The farther you live from the equator, the longer you need to be exposed to the sun to get enough vitamin D

- People with dark skin need 20 to 30 times more sun to get the same amount of vitamin D than people with white skin. That's why prostate cancer is so common among black men - it's due to a lack of vitamin D

- Sufficient quantities of vitamin D are crucial for calcium absorption in the body. Without vitamin D, your body cannot absorb calcium, rendering calcium supplements useless

- Chronic vitamin D deficiency can not be solved overnight. It takes months and months of sun exposure or intake of vitamin D in the form of supplements to restore this vitamin in the bones and the nervous system

- Even weak sunscreens (SPF 8) block the production of vitamin D by 95%! These sunscreens cause disease by creating a deficiency of vitamin D in the body

- It is not possible to "overdose" on vitamin D. The body regulates the process of creating this vitamin from sunlight and produces only as much vitamin as we need for normal functioning

- Before the body can use vitamin D, our liver and kidneys need to activat it

- In people who suffer from kidney or liver disease, the ability of activation and utilization of vitamin D may be reduced

- Sunscreen industry does not want you to know about the importance of vitamin D. This would reduce their profits

- This important vitamin is completely free, because the body produces it from sunlight

It is interesting to know that antioxidants increase the ability of the body to absorb more vitamin D, because they allow us to stay longer in the sun without having our skin burnt.

For instance, astaxanthin increases this capacity by 200%. Other antioxidants you can use are acai berries, pomegranate, blueberries, etc.

Diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency

Osteoporosis is usually associated with a lack of vitamin D, because a lack of vitamin D reduces the absorption of calcium.

Vitamin D prevents depression, schizophrenia, cancer of the prostate, bowel, breast and ovary.

Rickets is a bone disease caused by lack of vitamin D.

Lack of vitamin D can reduce the production of insulin and exacerbate diabetes.

Obesity reduces the utilization of vitamin D. Therefore, obese people need to double the intake of vitamin D.

Vitamin D is widely used for the treatment of psoriasis.

Vitamin D deficiency can cause schizophrenia.

Chronic vitamin D deficiency is sometimes misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia because of similar symptoms: weakness and muscle pain.

The risk of diseases like diabetes and cancer is reduced by 50 to 80% by exposure to natural sunlight 2 to 3 times a week.

Children who regularly take vitamin D (2000 units per day) will have 80% lower risk of diabetes in the next 20 years.

The shocking statistics

32% of health care workers have a vitamin D deficiency
40% of US citizens have a deficiency of this vitamin
48% of girls aged 9 to 11 have a vitamin D deficiency
76% of pregnant women suffer from a severe lack of vitamin D. That increases the risk of their children developing diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia later in life.

What can you do?
Back in the sun! Sensible exposure to sunlight is a simple and free way to get enough vitamin D and improve your health (this does not mean that you need to bask in the heat between noon and 3 PM when the sun is the strongest).

Exposure to sunlight can drastically reduce the rate of chronic diseases in the world. Sun exposure is indeed one of the most powerful therapies and its effect exceeds the effects of modern medicine.

There is no cure, technology or surgery, which has as much power to heal as natural sunlight.

For more information about vitamin D, see the book by Michael Holick, "The UV advantage".


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