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Što je Ho’oponopono? / What is Ho'oponopono?

Ho’oponopono je drevna havajska veština rešavanja problema. Izvorni Havajćani su koristili ovu tehniku, pa se navodi da su ovi Havajćani stigli iz druge galaksije.

U prošlosti se zahtevalo da bude prisutna cela porodica i tada bi jedan po jedan tražili oprostaj jedni od drugih. Sada znamo da tamo vani ne postoji neko drugi. To su samo naše misli o drugoj osobi, naša vlastita sećanja o drugoj osobi. Stoga preuzimamo 100% odgovornost i čistimo ta sećanja. Sve ono što je izbrisano iz nas, briše se i iz drugih ljudi, naše obitelji, rođaka i predaka, zemlje. Briše se svuda. Ne morate biti u prisustvu drugih da biste tražili njihov oproštaj, sada to
možete učitniti u vlastitom domu. Sva sećanja su u nama, i kako čistimo, što god odlazi od nas, otići će i od njih bez potrebe da budemo u njihovoj prisutnosti.

Ho’oponopono znači “činiti ispravno”, “ispraviti grešku”

Sve što se pojavljuje u našem životu je sećanje, program u procesu (greška) i pojavljuje se da bi nam dalo priliku otpustiti, čistiti, obrisati. Ho’oponopono je tipka za brisanje na tastaturi računara.
Kada krivo napišemo reč, mi ne pričamo monitoru na način “Koliko puta sam ti rekao kako da napišeš tu reč?“. Svesni smo da monitor ne može ništa učiniti po tom pitanju. Možete pričati monitoru celi dan, ali će monitor mirno gledati u vas s upitnikom: “Što želiš od mene?”
Ukoliko želite nešto promeniti, prvo morate obrisati, načiniti prazni prostor da bi ga mogli ispuniti ispravnom informacijom.
Ho’oponopono nas vraća u prazninu, u nultu tačku tako da se može pojaviti Inspiracija u našem životu i voditi nas. Tako možemo biti na pravom mestu u pravo vreme.

Što znači biti 100% odgovoran?

Tii privlačis sve u tvoj životu. Ne shvatas to, ali sećanja koja se reprodukuju u tebi privlače sve u vaš život. Vi sadržite podatke, programe, informacije, sećanja koja su pohranjena još od stvaranja sveta. Tako ste odgovorni za sva vaša sećanja koja se reprodukuju kao problemi na koje nailazimo. Vi ste stvoreni savršeni. Vi jeste savršeni. Savršeni znači bez sećanja, verovanja, vezivanja, procenjivanja. Ali sećanja nisu savršena i mnoga tvoja sećanja potiču još od tvojih
predaka. Ništa nije onakvo kakvim vam se čini.

Odakle potiču tvoji problemi?

Većina tvojih problema potiče od naših predaka. Na primer, ako znaš da u tvojoj porodici postoji istorija dijabetesa, reći ćete: “Znam da ću oboleti od dijabetesa jer je prisutan u mojoj prodici.” Ipak, dijabetes možeš izbrisati i pre nego obolite od njega. Ista stvar je i sa emocionalnim problemima ili nedostatkom novca ili poteškoćama u odnosima. Većina naših sećanja potiče od naših predaka.

Što znači “čišćenje”?

Čišćenje znači da kada se pojavi problem, vi ste voljni preuzeti 100% odgovornosti.
Voljni ste reći “Žao mi je. Molim te oprosti za bilo što u meni što privlači ovaj problem.” Možete koristiti bilo koji alat za čišćenje koji vam je na raspolaganju.
Možete dobiti i vlastite alate za čišćenje putem Inspiracije. Čišćenje je peticija da se isprave greške iz prošlosti. To je način da damo dozvolu da se izbriše sve što ne funksioniše i što smo spremni otpustiti.

Kako čistiš?

Čišćenje je vrlo jednostavno. Toliko je jednostavno da vaš intelekt ima poteškoća s razumevanjem da jednostavnim ponavljanjem “volim te” ili “hvala” u tvojim mislima, ti doista čistiš. Kada kažete “volim te” ili “hvala” ili koristite bilo koji od Ho’oponopono alata, vi preuzimate 100% odgovornosti. Vi kažete: “Žao mi je, molim te oprosti mi za bilo što u meni što je izazvalo ovu situaciju.

Zašto trebaš uvek čistiti?

Možda mislite da se ništa ne događa. Sve se čini u redu ovoga trenutka. Ali se čišćenje mora provoditi non stop jer se sećanja reproduciraju celo vreme u podsvesti. Non stop. Dopustite da vam dam primjer: Zamislite CD uređaj. Disk koji je u njemu se celo vreme reproducira, no možda je glasnoća na minimumu i vi ne čujete ništa. Tako se i naša sećanja reproduciraju doslovno 24 sata dnevno, 7 dana u nedelji, a ponekad je glasnoća na minimumu. Zato je toliko važno čistiti
celo vreme, iz trenutka u trenutak.
Čisteći celo vreme, sprečavamo stvari da se očitaju. Nikada ne znate koliko ste vrata zatvorili i koliko će se vrata otvoriti, koja se inače nikada ne bi otvorila, pre vašeg čišćenja.

Koliko dugo će proći vremena da vidim rezulate čišćenja?

Ne postoji određen odgovor. Ponekad ćete odmah videti rezultate. U drugim prilikama bit će potrebno nešto više vremena. Setite se da se ljudi pojavljuju u vašem životu da bi vam pružili još jednu priliku. Ljudi s kojima živite, ljudi s kojima radite su oni s kojima imate više “toga” za čistiti. Čišćenje obavljate da biste imali mir bez obzira na to što se događa. Možemo čistiti bez očekivanja određenih rezultata u dogledno vreme. Imat ćete mir čak ako se druga osoba ne promeni ili ne ode. Moći ćete imati mir čak i ako imate novca ili ga nemate. Ti želiš imati mir bez obzira što se događa oko vas. Promena će se dogoditi u neko vreme, ne u vaše. Budite svesni da će se dogoditi u savršeno Vreme.

What is Ho'oponopono?

Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian problem solving skills. Native Hawaiians have used this technique, however, people says that these Hawaiians came from another galaxy.

In the past were required to be present the whole family and then one by one asked for forgiveness from each other. We now know that out there isn’t someone else. These are just our thoughts about the other person, our own memories of another person. Therefore you take 100% responsibility and clean those memories. All that was erased from us, will delete from others, our family, relatives and ancestors, the earth. Will be deleted everywhere. You do not need to be in the presence of others to ask for their forgiveness, now this you can do at your own home. All the memories are within us, and how we clean, everything what’s leaving us will go out from them without need to be in their presence.

Ho'oponopono means "to do right", "correct the mistake"

Everything that appears in our lives is a memory, a program in the process (error) and appears to give us a chance to let go, to clean, to delete. Ho'oponopono is like delete key on the computer keyboard. When you write the wrong word, we're not talking to the monitor "How many times did I tell you how to write the word?". We know that monitor can not do anything about it. You can talk to the monitor all day, but monitor will calmly look at you with a question: "What do you want from me?"
If you want to change something, you must first delete, make a blank space that would be able to put the correct information. Ho'oponopono takes us back into the void, the zero point, so can appear Inspiration in our lives and lead us. So we can be in the right place at the right time.

What it means to be 100% responsible?

You attract everything in your life. You do not realize it but the memories are reproduce in you and attract everything in your life. You contain data, programs, information, memories that were stored since the creation of the world. So you are responsible for all your memories are reproduce as problems that we encounter. You were created perfect. You are perfect. Perfect means no memories, no liaison, no assesses. But memories are not perfect and many of your memories come from your ancestors. Nothing is what it seems.

What is the origin of yours problems?

Most of yours problems comes from our ancestors. For example, if you know that in your family exist history of diabetes, you will say: "I know that I will suffer from diabetes because it is present in my family." However, diabetes you can delete before you catch it. The same thing is with emotional problems or a lack of money or difficulties in relationships. Most of our memories comes from our ancestors.

What does "clean" mean?

Cleaning means when a problem appear, you are willing to take 100% responsibility.
You're willing to say "I'm sorry. Please forgive me for anything in me that attracted this problem". You can use any cleaning tool. You can also get your own cleaning tools through Inspiration. Cleaning is petition to correct mistakes from the past. That’s the way to give permission to delete everything that is not working and you are ready to release.

How you clean?

Cleaning is very simple. It is so easy that your intellect has difficulty to understand that just simply repeating "I love you" or "thank you" in your mind, you really cleaning. When you say "I love you" or "thank you" or use any of the Ho'oponopono tools, you take 100% responsibility. You say: "I'm sorry, please forgive me for anything in me that caused this situation”.

Why should you clean all the time?

You might think that nothing is happening. Everything seems fine at this moment. But cleaning must be use all the time because memories are reproducing all the time in your subconscious. Non stop. Let me give you an example: Imagine a CD player. A disc that the whole time playing, but maybe the volume is at a minimum and you do not hear anything. That's how our memories are played virtually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and sometimes the volume is at a minimum. That is why it is so important to clean all the time, from moment to moment.
By cleaning all the time, you preventing things to happen. You never know how many doors you closed and how many doors you opened, which otherwise would have never opened before your cleaning.

How long will it take time to see the result of cleaning?

There is no definitive answer. Sometimes you will immediately see the results. In other opportunities will require more time. Remember that people appearing in your life to give you one more chance. People with whom you live, people with whom you work are those with whom you have more "things" to cleaning. You are doing leaning in order to have peace no matter what happens. We can clean without expecting certain results in the future. You will have peace even if other person will not change or leave. You will be able to have peace even if you have money or not. You want to have peace no matter what is happening around you. The change will be happen at some time, not in yours. Be aware that everything will happen in a perfectly time.


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