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Showing posts from April, 2018

Kako se podmladiti

Proces podmlađivanja o kojem pisem je realan i opipljiv i ja sam ga licno doživela na sebi i videla vrlo pozitivne podmlađujuće rezultate kod ljudi koji su ove jednostavne principe, uglavnom bazirane na prehrani, primenili u svom životu. Kada bi rangirali važnost faktora koji doprinose mladalačkom izgledu, na prvom mestu bih definitivno bila prehrana sirovom biljnom hranom. Važnost prehrane je ovde toliko bitna da su svi ostali faktori skoro zanemarivi i uglavnom se bave maskiranjem našeg pravog stanja zdravlja. Kada smo zdravi, to zrači iz stava našeg tela, našeg glasa, dnevne aktivnosti, pogleda i sjaja naše kože…Većina preparata i preporuka za lepotu naše kože ili kose, rezultira samo prividnim i privremenim efektima samo kozmetičke prirode. Jednostavnom usporedbom našeg sistema za probavu s biljojedima i mesojedima, shvati ćemo da smo prirodno dizajnirani za biljnu ishranu. Hraneći se poput mesoždera, idemo protiv prirode i trpimo posledice mnogih bolesti koje su dire...

SHDW & Obscure Shape i Fideles 13. aprila 2018. u Prištini, KS

U nastojanju da izgrade most između kosovske i francuske elektronske muzičke kulture, organizacija iz Pariza, ljubitelja tehno muzike,  EXIL  i agencije iz Prištine,  Next Level , će organizovati seriju događaja na kojima će se predstaviti međunarodni i lokalni umetnici. Povodom njihove prve saradnje,  EXIL  tim dolazi u Prištinu, da ugosti techno duete iz Štutgarta,  SHDV & Obscure Shape  i iz Italije,  Fideles  u saradnji sa prištinskom  agencijom Next Level . Altin Boshnjaku  će otvoriti veče melodijskim tek hausom, što će biti idealno zagrevanje do nastupa glavnih tehno izvodjača,  Fidelesa  and  SHDV & Obscure Shape .     Dogadjaj će se održati u prostorijama  Teatri ODA  – Priština (pogledaj kako do lokacije). Informacije o ulaznicama: 1 faza: 02.Apr. - 08.Apr. : €7 2 faza: 09.Apr. - 13.Apr. : €9 Na ulazu: €10 Karte možete kupiti: Priština:...

EXIL & Next Level pres. SHDW & Obscure Shape + Fideles – APR. 13, 2018 at Teatri ODA , Prishtina, KS

Beyond boundaries, through music.. Striving at building a bridge between Kosovo's and France’s electronic music culture, the organization of young Parisian techno lovers,  EXIL  & the booking agency from Prishtina,  Next Leve l team up to host back and forth events consisting of international and local artists. On the occasion of their first collabartion, EXIL team lands in Prishtina to host the techno duo from Stuttgart,  SHDW & Obscure Shape  & the techno duo from Italy,  Fideles  in collaboration with  Next Level . Altin Boshnjaku  will the open the night with a set consistiong of a melow tracklist that we all know him for, leading to the performances of the headliners. After the performance of  Fideles ,  SHDW & Obscure Shape  will play an extended techno set.       The event will take place at  Teatri ODA  – Prishtina, KS (see the map for directions!...

PARTY REVIEW: RWIX: Artefakt LIVE + Keith Carnal | Prishtina, KS

The night of MAR. 2, 2018, a once in a lifetime techno experience photo credit:  Adi Beqiri Everything was ready at the abandoned/former Rilindja Printing House, for the 9th Edition of Rilindja Warehouse, and so were we.  That night  we  went to the venue at 10:00 PM. While waiting outside for the doors to open,  we met a clique of techno/rave  enthusiasts from  Prishtina , who we started a conversation with, and asked us if we attended previous Editions of Rilindja Warehouse, as they told us: "This is our first time attending Rilindja Warehouse, so we would like to know what's the events are like here" So,  we  continued our conversation about the event we were about to attend in 30 minutes/ Hapësira  and we told them about the "Rilindja Warehouse" editions we attended in the past. We also informed them about  Hapësira 's concept of presenting techno artists who are actually growing further, to make th...

PARTY REVIEW: Trips & Tics at BASStore Club, Prishtina, KS

Great party at  BASStore Club  on 17th February 2018! Music without exaggeration, objectively speaking, was brutal and concrete. The great techno duo -  Trips & Tics , from  Underground Connection  agency, made the most of it and provided the lovely audience with LOVE & DANCE! photo credit:  Nebojša Cvetković Photography The beautiful club - BASStore, with great sound system and lighting, this time, among 128bpm, shots emotions in such a cruel and tough way. It looked so wonderful for the ears and our bodies that moves in that lively techno rhythm. Techno gives you love! It should have the courage to spin "strong tracks" indoors and make the audience feel comfortable, pleasant and cheerful. Each atom of their dedication to what they do, through music, was radiated to all of us, the audience, who recognized most of the that were chosen and played by  Trips & Tics . photo credit:  Nebojša Cvetković Photography It’s nice to ...

PREGLED DOGAĐAJA: Trips & Tics u klubu BASStore, Priština, KS

Sjajno veče u klubu  BASStore . Muzika je bez preterivanja, objektivno gledano, bila brutalna i konkretna. Sjajni tehno duet  Trips & Tics , kraljevačke agencije  Underground Connection a, potrudili su se maximalno i pružili divnoj publici samo LJUBAV & PLES! photo credit:  Nebojša Cvetković Photography Predivnim klubom, koji je te večeri imao odlično ozvučenje i rasvetu, su pucale emocije na tako surov i tvrd način, izmedju ostalog na 128bpm, a da pri tom, to izgleda tako divno za uši i telo koje se pomera u tom živom ritmu. Tehno ti daje ljubav Trebalo je imati hrabrosti zavrteti 'jake trake' u zatvorenom prostoru, a da se ljudi i dalje osećaju prijatno i razigrano. Za svaki njihov atom posvećenosti prema tome što rade, se kroz zvukove, prenosio na sve nas, publiku, koja je i te kako spoznala svaku traku koja je s'ljubavlju birana i zasvirana. photo credit:  Nebojša Cvetković Photography Lepo je osetiti tako dobare vibracije koje su d...

NEWS: "Radiant" - Sabb's first album/new record label

Sabb is about to launch his new record label/first album, both named “Radiant”  After years of DJing almost all over the world and releasing singles, EP’s and remixes, in many various and well-known record labels of the Electronic Music Industry, incl. his previous record label,  SK Supreme Records ,  Sabb , marks his 10 year anniversary with his debut album, " Radiant " , coming out on APR. 6, 2018, on his new record label  Radiant . The album consists 8 tracks and will be released on a double 12” vinyl and of course, in digital format. Due to his craving for dispersing distinctive music all over the world,  Sabb  designed  Radiant  to be more than just an ordinary record label therefore, last year (December 31, 2017), he launched the very first “ Radiant ” event, in collaboration with  Space Monki , where he hosted  Nick Curly ,  Anthik ,  Murciano ,  Marco Capone ,  David Aurel ,  Nukem , K...


Jednostavan i ugodan način čišćenja organizma ❤ Ako razmišljate o čišćenju organizma, nemojte zaboraviti saunu! Sauna je jednostavan, jeftin i ugodan način čišćenja od toksina. Ona daje odlični rezultat ne samo kod detoksikacije organizma. Dobrobiti saune - potiče izbacivanje toksina iz tela - sauna pomaže da se opustite i rešite stresa - čisti i pomlađuje kožu i celi organizam - poboljšava cirkulaciju krvi - efikasna je kod mršavljenje - poboljšava elastičnost arterija, štiti od visokog pritiska, bolesti srca - pomaže kod artritisa, alergija, kožnih bolesti 1. Povišena temperatura tela (hyperthermia), koju potiče sauna, ubija bakterije, gljivice, viruse i parazite 2. Zahvaljujući sauni možete se rešiti infekcija uha, sinusa, grla i crijeva, čak i hroničnih bolesti 3. Hyperthermia uništava patogene stanice. Hyperthermia je jedan od poznatih načina lečenja raka Vrste sauna Finska sauna Tradicionalna vlažna i suva sauna. Vlaga se dobija polivanjem vode po vrućem kamenju. ...