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NEWS: "Radiant" - Sabb's first album/new record label

Sabb is about to launch his new record label/first album, both named “Radiant” 

After years of DJing almost all over the world and releasing singles, EP’s and remixes, in many various and well-known record labels of the Electronic Music Industry, incl. his previous record label, SK Supreme RecordsSabb, marks his 10 year anniversary with his debut album, "Radiant" , coming out on APR. 6, 2018, on his new record label Radiant. The album consists 8 tracks and will be released on a double 12” vinyl and of course, in digital format.

Due to his craving for dispersing distinctive music all over the world, Sabb designed Radiant to be more than just an ordinary record label therefore, last year (December 31, 2017), he launched the very first “Radiant” event, in collaboration with Space Monki, where he hosted Nick CurlyAnthikMurcianoMarco CaponeDavid AurelNukem, Kantarik and Ceyen. Also, on February, he hosted the second Radiant event  w/ CuarteroFrankey, Ezinkiel, Anthik / Kantarik & Dimitri Nakov - The French DJ & Producer, which in 2014, Sabb co-produced ‘Unconditional’ with - released on Nic Fanciulli’s Saved Records .


Aside from event series with various artists, Sabb also launched the album tour.
He’s debut “Radiant Album Tour” performance took place on MAR. 2, 2018 at BAALSAAL Club in Hamburg, Germany.

Support act: Kuestenklatsch & eatmydisco

1. Jeopardized
2. Down Under ft SIS
3. Leana’s play ft Leana and Nonna’s Watering Can
4. Full Moon Tale ft Davi
5. Somebody To Love
6. Missing Home
7. Turning Point
8. Motherlove

Just 72h after release, the lead single, 'Jeopardized' hit Traxsource's top 100 and Beatport's top 10.
Have a listen to the premiere tracks, 'Jeopardized' - the lead single premiered by Deep House Amsterdam and 'Turning Point'!


‘Jeopardized’ is now available on your store of choice:


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