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Početni koraci u zdravoj hrani / Getting Started with Healthy Foods

Ono što nam daje život i što nas hrani je energija, ne materija. Biljka je hrana zahvaljujući energiji u njoj. Životinje ili ljudi jedu tu biljku, asimiliraju energiju a izbacuju materijalne ostatke. Ti ostaci postaju otrov, i ako nisu dobro eliminisani iz čoveka ili životinje izazvaće bolest.
Takodje, iz vode asimiliramo energiju dok materijalni ostatak izbacujemo. Hrana i voda su samo nosioci blagotvorne energije.

Kada nam ovo postane jasno, i kada počnemo da asimiliramo životodavnu energiju, iz čistog vazduha i vodežive hrane i Sunca, onda će se naše potrebe za hranom smanjiti i onih 90% energije koja se inače koristi u varenju kuvane hrane će biti iskorišćena u očuvanje zdravlja i integriteta ćelija, tako da će naše telo postati savršeno zdravo i dugovečno.

Evo nekoliko saveta kako početi sa zdravom ishranom:

* Za doručak jedite voće, za ručak jedite salatu sa semenkama a za večeru možete zadržati pola kuvane hrane (čorbicu od povrća, krompir, braon pirinač...) a pola sirove hrane.
Izmedju obroka možete piti sveže voćne sokove, grickati povrće i voće, ili koštunjavo voće (bademe, orahe, semenke..)

Isključiti iz ishrane: meso, ribu, jaja, mleko, belo brasno, sećer kao i njihove produkte i sve vrste industijske i obradjene hrane.

Možete i blendirati hranu. Naime u blender možete staviti zelenog povrća, 1 kasiku sveže mlevenog lanenog semena, šaku oraha, za ukus bananu ili dve i ako hoćete sladji napitak, možete staviti malo urmi ili suvih smokvi...To je kompletan obrok, ukusan je i jednostavno se priprema.

Jedite samo kada ste gladni.

Kada jedemo u vremenu za ručak ili večeru, ne jedemo pravilno. Telo može biti gladno i imati potrebe samo za sirovom hranom koja ima sunčeve energije u sebi. Ako osećate glad za nečim što je preradjeno ili kuvano, nije u pitanju glad već zavisnost, slično kao sa drogom. Zavisnik od heroina ce osecati potrebu za drogom iako zna da ona nije dobra za njega i da mu nije potrebna. Senzacije koje zavisnici osecaju kada im nedostaje droga su slične (samo intenzivnije) kao kod lažne gladi: bol u stomaku, vrtoglavica, glavobolja, slabost...što nije prava glad.

Prava glad je osećaj u ustima, lučenje pljuvačke i potreba za odredjenom sirovom hranomPrava glad će nas učiniti hitrim i spremnim da nadjemo hranu a ne umornim, sa vrtoglavicom i bolovima. Spoljasnji stimulansi, kao sto je miris ili pogled na hranu mogu aktivirati lažnu glad.

*Kada smo bolesni nikada nismo gladni zato što je vitalna energija zauzeta regeneracijom tela. Bolesna životinja nikada ne jede. Takodje kada smo u stanjima stresa ili uzbudjenja ne treba jesti jer stres izvlači energiju tako da će varenje biti sporije ili se hrana uopšte neće variti. 
Kada jedemo a bolesni smo, hrana će biti fermentisana umesto da bude digestirana i posledice toga su da se hrana raspada i pretvara u otrov.
Ukoliko ste gladni kada ste bolesni, savetujem da uzimate samo sirovu, biljnu hranu.

*Digestija će takodje biti nepotpuna, ukoliko pričate dok jedete. Čuli smo od nasih straih: "Kad se jede, ne priča se."
*Ne brinite previše ako ponekad pojedete neku lošu hranu, nećete promeniti nista ali će briga umanjiti efikasnost varenja hrane.

Žvaćite hranu dok ne postane tečna. Ako hrana nije dobro sažvakana, neće biti dobro digestirana u želudcu, naime veliki komadi nesažvakane hrane se neće variti u želudcu, već će fermentisati i postajati otrov. Rezultat toga biće simptomi loše digestije: gasovi u stomaku, podrigivanje , pojačana kiselina...
Kada hrana napusti želudac, nema više varenja hrane već samo asimilacija (upijanje).

* Loša navika je takodje piti tečnosti uz jelo. Hrana se normalno vari sokovima za digestiju, kada ih mi razredimo tečnostima digestija ce biti slabija. Takodje, hrana će biti isprana, tako da neće imati vremena da se digestira u želudcu a umesto toga ce fermentisati u crevima.
Idealno, ne treba piti nista 15 minuta pre jela i 30 minuta posle jela.

 Jedite malo.
Telo će uzeti energiju iz hrane koja mu je potrebna za regeneraciju tkiva, nešto će se uskladistiti kao masnoća a za sve ostalo, telo će se mučiti da eliminise kroz creva, bubrege, pluca i kozu.
* Ako jedete jednostavnu hranu, bez previše kombinovanja, poželjno jednu vrstu hrane, digestija će biti bolja.

Šta te očekuje prilikom pelaska na ovu ishranu:

* Prilikom prelaska na ishranu energijom iz Sunca i sirove biljne hrane, dolazi do promene u težini koja se manifestuje u 3 faze:
1. Katabolizam, kada se toksini iz tela razlažu i oslobadjaju uz što se i težina smanjuje. Kako se više tkiva razlaže nego što se stvara, dolazi do ubrzanog gubljenja u tezžni.
2. Stabilizacija je proces kada prestajemo da gubimo na težini jer se telo već ocistilo i sada se razlaganje i stvaranje tkiva izjednacuje. Ovaj period traje neko vreme i onda dolazi do anabolizma.
3. Anabolizam. Sada dolazi do laganog povećanja u težini iako su kaloriske vrednosti unesene hrane mnogo manje.
Dolazi do bolje asimilacije hrane, boljeg rada enzima i pročišćenih energetskih kanala, tako da će se energija bolje asimilirati preko digestivnog trakta, kože, disanja, očju, itd.
Počinje se stvarati tkivo koje se ne razgradjuje tako brzo jer je sazdano od druge materije i ubrzo će doći do potpune normalizacije naše idealne težine.

Želim vam dug i zdrav život!:)

Getting Started with Healthy Foods

This is a text by Sladjana Velikov. I follow her advice and in fact, they all work. Try it! You will see what energy you will get.

What gives us life and what feeds us is energy, not substance. Plant is food thanks to the energy in it. Animals or humans eat that plant, assimilate energy, and throw away material debris. These residues become poisonous, and if not well eliminated from humans or animals will cause disease.
We also assimilate energy from the water while ejecting the material residue. Food and water are only carriers of beneficial energy.

When this becomes clear to us, and when we begin to assimilate life-giving energy from clean air and water, living food and the sun, then our food needs will be reduced and those 90% of the energy that is oused in digestion of coocked food and will be used in preserving the health and integrity of the cells, so that our body becomes perfectly healthy and long-lived.

Here are some tips to get you started on a healthy diet:

* Eat fruit for breakfast, eat salad with seeds for lunch, and keep dinner with half cooked food (vegetable soup, potatoes, brown rice ...) and half raw food.
Between meals, you can drink fresh fruit juices, eat vegetables and fruits, or nuts (almonds, nuts, seeds ..)

Exclude from diet: meat, fish, eggs, milk, white flour, sugar as well as their products and all types of industrial and processed foods.

You can also blend food. Specifically, you can put
- green vegetables,
- 1 heap of freshly ground flaxseed,
- a handful of nuts in a blender
- banana or two, and if you want a sweeter beverage, you can put some dates or dried figs ...

It's a complete meal, it's delicious and easy to prepare.

Eat only when you are hungry.

When we eat in time for lunch or dinner, we do not eat properly. The body can be hungry and only need raw food that has solar energy in it. If you feel hungry for something that has been processed or cooked, it is not hunger but addiction, much like drugs. The heroin addict will feel the need for the drug even though he knows that it is not good for him and that he does not need it. The sensations that addicts feel when they lack drugs are similar (only intensely) to false hunger: abdominal pain, dizziness, headache, weakness ... which is not a real hunger.
True hunger is the feeling in the mouth, the secretion of saliva and the need for certain raw foods. True hunger will make us quick and ready to find food, not tired, with dizziness and pain. External stimulants, such as smell or the sight of food, can trigger false hunger.

* When we are sick we are never hungry because vital energy is taken up by the regeneration of the body. A sick animal never eats. Also when we are in a state of stress or excitement we should not eat because stress draws energy so digestion will be slower or food will not digest at all.
When we eat and we are sick, the food will be fermented instead of digested and the consequence is that the food will decompose and turn into poison.
If you are hungry when you are sick, I advise that you only take raw, plant-based foods.
* Digestion will also be incomplete if you talk while eating. We heard from our fears, "Don't talk, when you eat"
* Don't worry too much if you sometimes eat bad food, you won't change anything, but worrying will reduce the efficiency of your digestion.
Chew your food until it is liquid. If the food is not well chewed, it will not be digested well in the stomach, namely, large pieces of non-chewed food will not be digested in the stomach, but will ferment and become poisonous. The result will be symptoms of indigestion: gasses in the stomach, belching, increased acid ...
When food leaves the stomach, there is no more digestion of food but only assimilation.
* It is a bad habit to also drink liquids with meals. Foods are normally digested with digestive juices, when we dilute them with digestion fluids they will be weaker. Also, the food will be washed so that it will not have time to digest in the stomach and will instead ferment in the intestines.
Ideally, you should not drink anything 15 minutes before meals and 30 minutes after meals.
Eat a little.
The body will take in the energy from the food it needs to regenerate the tissue, something will be stored as fat and for everything else, the body will struggle to eliminate it through the intestines, kidneys, lungs and skin.
* If you eat simple foods without combining too much, preferably one type of food, digestion will be better.

What to expect when you switch to a new diet:

* When switching to energy sun and raw plant foods, there will be a change in weight that manifests in 3 stages:
1. Catabolism, when toxins from the body are broken down and released and weight is reduced. As more tissue decomposes than it forms, there is an accelerated loss of gravity.
2. Stabilization is a process when we stop losing weight because the body has already purified itself and now the breakdown and tissue formation is being equalized. This period lasts for a while and then anabolism occurs.
3. Anabolism. Now there is a slight increase in weight although the calorific values of the food intake are much lower.
There is better assimilation of food, better performance of enzymes and purified energy channels, so energy will be better assimilated through the digestive tract, skin, breathing, eyes, etc.
It begins to create tissue that does not break down as quickly as it is made of other matter and soon it will completely normalize our ideal weight.

I wish you a long and healthy life! :)


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