PARTY REVIEW: Independence Night with Dj Tennis, David Squillace, Alban Hajdini @ Zone Club, Prishtina, KS
pisao: Elvis Ibrahimović
Prvi put, posle 20. godina, bio sam u Prištinu, da se klabiram (clubbing) :) Čuo sam da je klabing na Kosovu i te kako razvijen i da prati svetsku elektornsku scenu. I da, tako je bilo!
Imao sam priluku da upoznam i posetim sva ta današnja kultna mesta prištinske underground scene: Rilindjia, Bahnhof, BASStore, a svi oni, imaju, zaista, svoju priču!
Ali, Zone Club je posebno mesto za mene! Klub koji je pun emocija i dobre, neke čudne, energije. Ako si poznavaoc kvalitetne muzike i svih ostalih pratećih elemenata, ustvari, ako si klaber, onda je Zone klub i njegov Electronic series brand, pun pogodak!
Prvi put sam posetio Zone klub, prosle zime, tačnije 24.decembra. Tada su na line upu bili Nastia i Hajdar Berisha....bilo je fasticčno!
I... opet sam poželo vratiti se u taj club, klub koji ima neku čudnu energiju!
Sinoć je bila noć, zapravo, Electronic series night, kluba Zone. Line up: Dj Tennis, Davide Squillace i Alban Hi-Dini...šta reći?! Zaista samo reči hvale! Osoblje divno a obezbeđenje, perfektno! Zvuk je savršen, rasveta i vizualni program idealni, sve na svom mestu! Muzički repertoar je uglavnom bio u house varijanti sa dodatkom indie melodije. Dj Tennis me je oduševio tehničkim delom miksanja kao i izborom trekova. Davide Squillace je nastavio u istom ritmu sa po kojim groovie trekom, dok je Alban Hi-Dini imao dosta orjentalnih upada, što se dancefloru svidelo.
photo credit: Win Music Freedom KS
Zone club je zapravo, veoma fancy mesto, ali ima puno urbanih-underground ljudi koji vole elektornsku muziku i koju verovatno dolaze kada Zone klub ima Electronic series veče.
Ekipa kluba Zone, koja radi na produkciji večeri s elektronskom muzikom, u saradnji sa Win Music Freedom KS, ujedno doprinosi i razvoju klabinga, turizma i posećenosti grada Prištine! Svaka čast! Veliki pozdrav za Kushtrim Sahitia, jednog od bitnih imena što se angašmana Zone kluba tiče, i Erjonu Gjikolli koja nas je srdačno dočekala i ugostila. Muzuka i ples nemaju granice!
Klub Zone doprinosi i razvoju klabinga, turizma i posećenosti grada Prištine!
photo credit: Win Music Freedom KS
Do sada sam upoznao veliki broj dobrih ljudi, pa i one koji su zaduženi za prištinsku underground scenu, među njima bih izvojio uvek nasmejanog Budalicu!
Moram da dodam, da su ljudi u Prištini veoma raspoloženi pričati na svim jezicima, albanski, engleski, je pun pogodak!
Vidimo se, uskoro, u klubu Zone! :)
I was clubbing in Prishtina for the first time in 20 years :) I had heard that clubbing on Kosovo was very developed and following the world electronic scene. And it was true!
I had the chance to meet and see contemporary cult places of today's underground scene: Rilindjia, Bahnhof, BASStore and all of them have their own story!
But, Zone Club is a special place for me! A club that is full of emotions and good but odd, energetic. If you are familiar with quality music and all other accompanying elements, in fact, if you're a clubber, then Zone Club and its Electronic Series is for you!
The first time I visited Zone Club, last winter, on December 24th with Nastia and Hajdar Berisha... was amazing!
I had the chance to meet and see contemporary cult places of today's underground scene: Rilindjia, Bahnhof, BASStore and all of them have their own story!
But, Zone Club is a special place for me! A club that is full of emotions and good but odd, energetic. If you are familiar with quality music and all other accompanying elements, in fact, if you're a clubber, then Zone Club and its Electronic Series is for you!
The first time I visited Zone Club, last winter, on December 24th with Nastia and Hajdar Berisha... was amazing!
And ... again I wanted to go back to this club, a club that has this strange, odd energy!
Last night was the night! Actually, the Electronic Series Night of the Zone club. Line Up:Dj Tennis, Davide Squillace i Alban Hi-Dini... what can I say ?! Really just a big thank you for everything!! Staff were wonderful and the security was perfect! The sound system was WOW! Lights and visual program were great, everything just right!
The music repertoire was mostly house with the addition of indie melodies. Dj Tennis delighted with technical part of mixing and the choice of tracks. Davide Squillace continued in the same rhythm with some groovy tracks, while Alban Hi-Dini had a lot of oriental intrusion, which dancefloor liked.
Zone Club is actually a very fancy place but there are a lots of urban-underground people who like electronic music and they probably come to Zone Club on Electronic Series nights.
Zone Club team, works on an evening with electronic music, in cooperation with Win Music Freedom KS, contributes to the development of clubbing, electornig lifestyle, tourism and sightseeing city Pristina! Every honor! Greetings to Kushtrim Sahiti, one of the key names involved in Club Zone and Erjona Gjikolli who warmly welcomed us. Thank you! Music and dance have no limits!
photo credit: Win Music Freedom KS
So far, I have met a huge number of good people, and those who are in charge of the underground electronic scene on Kosovo, among them I would like to mention Budalica!
Have to add that people in Pristina are very friendly and they speak in all languages, Albanian, English, Serbian ... and I was lovely surprised ... We all need that!
Have to add that people in Pristina are very friendly and they speak in all languages, Albanian, English, Serbian ... and I was lovely surprised ... We all need that!
See you again at the Zone club :)
words: Elvis Ibrahimović
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