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Šljokice - Glitter

Ako upotrebljavate glittere i šljokice, onda znate kako je teško očistiti ih. Danima nakon upotrebe takvih proizvoda pronalazite sjajne čestice po telu, u kosi, na odeći, ma svuda…

Šljokice su mikroplastika i nalaze se u brojnim kozmetičkim proizvodima u obliku mikročestica. Izrada šljokica je jednostavna: na sitne pločice kopolimera nanosi se boja, a zatim se na to, radi refleksije, stavlja aluminijska folija. 
Zbog statičkog elektriciteta šljokice se lako zalijepe za površine, stoga je potrebno i više nedelja da ih potpuno odstranimo..

Naime, šljokice, baš kao i teško razgradivi plastični otpad, koji zagušuje planetu Zemlju, zagađuju vode i okeane stvarajući u njima „plastični smog“ koji uništava i morski i kopneni svet.

Najbitnije je da znate, da se šljokice ne skupljaju samo na nekim povrsinama, na telu, već one dospejaju i u našim unutrašnjim organima. Udisanjem i preko oštećenja na koži ove se čestice apsorbiraju čak i u naš krvotok!
Komadići glittera lako mogu dospeti u oči i oštetiti rožnjacu, što povećava rizik od infekcija i trajnog oštećenja vida.
Uvek možeš kupiti one koje su biorazgradive

Zbog svih štetnih posledica na ljudsko zdravlje i planetu, brojni ekolozi pozivaju na hitnu zabranu upotrebe šljokica.

Velika Britanija planira ove 2018. godine potpuno zabraniti kozmetičke proizvode, poput pilinga i gelova za lice, koji u sebi sadrže mikrogranule (slične šljokicama), a u nekim britanskim vrtićima već je zabranjena upotreba šljokica
Michael Gove iz Tajništva za zaštitu okoline Velike Britanije tvrdi da su šljokice opasne za sredinu u kojoj živimo, tako što kad skidamo s lica, šljokice ispadaju u umivaonik, one kroz odvod odlaze u kanalizaciju i okeane, zatim se one pretvaraju u mikroplastiku, koja je jedan od najvećih zagađivača planete Zemlje, i ne može se razgraditi.

Ne moraš se u potpunosti odreći šljokica, samo pazi kod njihovog skidanja da ne padaju posvuda, a uvek možeš kupiti one koje su biorazgradive.

If you use glitters and tinsel, then you know how difficult it is to clean them. In the aftermath of using such products, you can still find great particles in the body, in hair, on clothes, anywhere ....

Tinsel are microplastic. They can be found in numerous cosmetic products in the form of microparticles. Making tinsel is simple: tiles of the copolymer are painted, and then, for reflection, aluminum foil is placed on it.
Due to static electricity, tinsel are easily adhered to the surface, therefore it takes several weeks to completely remove them.

Namely, these tinsel, just like heavily degradable plastic waste that sweeps the planet Earth, pollutes the waters and oceans, creating in them a "plastic smog" that destroys both the sea and the land.
The most important thing to know is that tinsel are not only sticked on surfaces and our body, but also in our internal organs. By inhaling and damaging the skin, these particles are absorbed even into our bloodstream!
Glitter pieces can easily get into eyes and damage the cornea, which increases the risk of infection and permanent visual impairment.
You can always buy those that are biodegradable

Due to all the harmful effects on human health and the planet, numerous environmentalists are urging an immediate ban on the use of tinsel.

Great Britain plans to completely ban cosmetic products such as scrubs and face gels in 2018, which contain microgranules (similar to seals), and in some British preschools it is already prohibited to use tinsel.
Michael Gove from United Kingdom Environment Secretariat claims that tinsel are dangerous for the environment we live in. When we removed them from body, tinsel drop out into the washbasin, they pass through sewers and into oceans, then they are converted into microplastic, which is one of the biggest polluters of the planet Earth, and can not be degrade.

You do not have to give up tinsel completely, just watch when removing them, they do not fall everywhere, and you can always buy those that are biodegradable.


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