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REVIEW: TKNO at club Basstore, Prishtina, Kosovo

Priština mi postaje jedna od omiljenih destinacija! Ako me pitate, zašto? Evo i odgovora!

Organizacija Next Level je 16. decembra u klubu BASStore u Prištini organizovala jako dobar party, sa jednim od trenutno najaktuelnijih tehno didžejeva iz Srbije, TKNO!

Opet mala ali odabrana ekipa klabera iz Novog Pazara i Prištine se okupila i pravac na tehno đusku u klub Basstore. Upali smo negde oko 02:30 časova kad je već za pultom radio TKNO.

BASStore je ona priča kluba koji fura underground trip. Veoma dobro ozvučenje, novo koliko sam mogao da primetim od prošle žurke, ali po mom mišljenju preveliko za taj klub. Zvuk je bio masivan na podijumu za ples.

Ekipa u klubu Basstore, opet raznovrsna, što je veoma interesantno za mene kao klabera koji prati elektonsku scenu vec 20 godina. I opet, iako Kosovo po statistikama broji više žena nego muškaraca, momaka je bilo u većem broju. Mada, najbitnije je da znaju da prepoznaju muziku i plešu uz istu.

TKNO je imao jako zapažen i prihvatljiv set od strane prištinskih rejvera!

Dobar odabir trekova. Kvalitetan tehno. Set od 5 sati. Hvala na idealnoj tehno vožnji, TKNO!

Oni koji su propustili party, trebaju da žale, zato što je zaista set bio izvaredan.

Hvala Next Level timu, Ardinu i Riniklubu Basstore i Naimu što učestvuju u podizanju tehno muzike i elektornske scene na Kosovu i naravno klaberima koji sve budno prate!

Kosovo klabing zaista prati svetsku klabing scenu.

Vidimo se uskoro sa još interesantnijim imenima u klubu BASStore ;)

See you Next level!


Pisao: Elvis Ibrahimović

                Pristina is becoming one of the favorite destinations for me!
                If you ask me, why, here's the answer!

                On December 16th, “Next Level” organization hosted a very good party at BASStore club in Prishtina with one of the most current techno DJs from Serbia, TKNO!
                Again, a small but selected team of clubbers from Novi Pazar and Pristina gathered at club Basstore. We got in the club, around 2:30am when TKNO already was spinning at dj booth.
               BASStore is one of the underground club these days. Very good sound system, new one, as far as I could note from the last party, but in my opinion it was too much for that club. The sound was super massive at the dance floor.
               Audience at Basstore Club that night, was again diverse, which is very interesting for me as a clubber following electronic scene for 20 years. Although, by statistic Kosovo has more women than for men, the boys were in big numbers then girls at the dancefloor.  But, the most important thing is that they know to recognize techno music and dance to it.

TKNO had a very noticeable and acceptable set by Kosovo' clubbers! Good selection of tracks. Quality techno. A set of 5 hours. Thanks for the perfect techno drive, TKNO!

          Those who missed the party, should complain, because the set was really excellent.

          Thanks to “Next Level” team, Ardin and RinaBasstore club and Naim who takes part in raising techno music and electronic scene on Kosovo and of course, clabers who are watching/dancing closely!

Kosovo clubbing is really following the world clubbing scene.

See you soon with more interesting names in BASStore club ;)

words: Elvis Ibrahimović


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